A study has revealed strong evidence that involuntary eye movement could be a sign of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It has also reinforced what we’ve known for a long time: If kids can control their eye movements, it will improve their attention span.
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Vision Therapy,
Functional Vision Problems,
Visual Skills,
Dr. Ryan Edwards and Dr. Lindsey Stull are two optometrists who are taking a unique approach to spreading the word about vision therapy -- one podcast interview at a time.
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Vision Therapy
When you read about Kendyl Hughes, you have to scratch your head and wonder why. Why do we always look to medicate a child at the first sign of Attention Deficit Disorder? As Kendyl and his vision therapy success prove, vision issues should be considered first.
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Success Stories,
Vision Therapy,
Functional Vision Problems,
This is the first in an ongoing series of posts in which we’ll follow a patient through vision therapy. In this first post, we describe Madilyn’s vision problem, and the immediate impact some corrective measures have had on her life.
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Success Stories,
Vision Therapy,
Success Stories - CI
Nothing can stop a mom who knows there’s something wrong with her child, and will fight tooth and nail to find the solution to the problem. Case in point: The Bloodworth family, where vision therapy helped not one, but two children.
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Success Stories,
Vision Therapy
While we typically focus our blog posts on examining functional vision’s impact on academics, it also influences our performance in sports. Here are examples of how it affects three of the most popular sports in America: Baseball, football and basketball.
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Sports and Vision,
Vision Therapy,
Visual Skills
Are there two professions more easily confused than optometry and ophthalmology? There are actually a number of differences between the two, but one in particular could have a significant impact on whether or not you can overcome a functional vision problem.
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Vision Therapy,
Developmental Optometrist
It’s a familiar story. A specialist told 6-year-old Grace’s parents that nothing could be done about her right eye’s outward turn. But through hard work and dedication in vision therapy, Grace’s vision and reading problems dramatically improved, making her yet another vision therapy success.
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Success Stories,
Vision Therapy,
Strabismus (Crossed Eyes)
We recently stumbled upon an Internet advertisement that both concerned and confused us. It claims vision therapy doesn’t work. We take issue with the claim, so let the debunking begin. (This is part 1 of a two-part series responding to an ad claiming “Vision therapy doesn’t work.”)
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Vision Therapy
Parents often visit us believing their child is dyslexic based on the fact that they reverse letters and/or numbers when writing and/or reading. However, you may be surprised that sometimes symptoms that look like dyslexia can actually be a vision problem.
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Symptoms of Dyslexia,
Vision Therapy,
Functional Vision Problems,
Convergence Insufficiency,
Strabismus (Crossed Eyes)