If you’re an occupational therapist, you’ve probably seen a case in which vision seems to negatively impact your patient’s progress. You know there is a vision problem, but you may not know what specifically isn’t working well.
Discovering Vision Therapy Blog
If you’re an occupational therapist, you’ve probably seen a case in which vision seems to negatively impact your patient’s progress. You know there is a vision problem, but you may not know what specifically isn’t working well.
Topics: Vision Therapy, Functional Vision Problems
We keep an eye on new computer games designed to help treat patients with lazy eye. We’ve seen a lot of attempts, but none have aligned with a true developmental optometry approach to amblyopia - until now.
Topics: Vision Therapy, Functional Vision Test, Amblyopia (Lazy Eye)
Thirteen-year-old Chalen didn’t think she had a vision problem, despite having a severe case of strabismus. Six months of vision therapy later, she discovered not only how debilitating her eye turn had been, but also how much therapy helped.
Topics: Success Stories, Vision Therapy, Amblyopia (Lazy Eye), Strabismus (Crossed Eyes)
One in four children experience vision problems that are often misdiagnosed as other common learning difficulties. Discover why these issues are referred to as “the hidden disability,” and parents and educators know so little about them.
Topics: Symptoms of Dyslexia, Vision Therapy, Functional Vision Problems
Six-year-old Joel Derrick always loved school. But when his class began reading words, school suddenly became a struggle. He and his family would soon discover that his academic problems didn’t come from a learning problem, but a vision problem. (This post includes a video interview with Joel’s mother, Lisa.)
Topics: Success Stories, Vision Therapy, Strabismus (Crossed Eyes)
This is an essay written by Ben Westerman, a graduate of The Vision Therapy Center. Read this and you’ll really understand what it’s like to have a functional vision problem. Please, share this with your friends. Congratulations to Ben on an amazing achievement!
Topics: Success Stories, Learning-Related Vision Problems, Vision Therapy
When we redesigned our website, we decided to devote the home page to describing “functional vision problems.” We think the addition of the word “functional” can help people distinguish the types of vision problems that exist, and open the door to understanding vision therapy.
Topics: Vision Therapy, Functional Vision Problems, The Vision Therapy Center, Dr. Kellye Knueppel
Audrey Engelbart was between 18 and 24 months old when her mother Dawn noticed her eyes weren’t quite right. One of them appeared to be turning out, a condition known as infantile strabismus. But as the Engelbarts were soon to discover, their daughter’s eye problems was more than cosmetic.
Topics: Success Stories, Vision Therapy, Strabismus (Crossed Eyes), Success Stories - Strabismus
The following success story comes to us from Emily Baxter, who received vision therapy and syntonics treatment to help her recover from brain-related vision problems.
Vision therapy took me from being uncomfortable most of the day to being comfortable for most of the day doing many life activities I was not able to do before.
Topics: Success Stories, Vision Therapy, Syntonics
In school, Jack Coakley would often look away from his desk and gaze out the window. His teachers thought he wasn’t paying attention. It wasn’t until he visited The Vision Therapy Center that his parents and teachers realized this apparent lack of attention was really a functional vision problem.
Topics: Success Stories, Vision and Learning, Learning-Related Vision Problems, Vision Therapy
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The content on this website has been created by The Vision Therapy Center. It was written by professional writers and then reviewed and edited for medical accuracy by the Developmental Optometrists at The Vision Therapy Center.
The Vision Therapy Center, Inc. – Phone: 262-784-9201 FAX 262-784-9206
The Vision Therapy Center, Inc. - Brookfield, WI
13255 W Bluemound Rd #200
Brookfield, WI 53005
Brookfield hours of operation / 8 am - 6 pm M-Th - 8 am - 5 pm F
The Vision Therapy Center, Inc. - Madison, WI
4781 Hayes Rd #103
Madison, WI 53704
Madison hours of operation / 10:00 am - 5:45 pm Th
The Vision Therapy Center FDL, LLC - Fond du Lac, WI
101 Wisconsin American Drive, Suite 800
Fond du Lac, WI 54937
Fond du Lac hours of operation / 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Th