If you’re an occupational therapist, you’ve probably seen a case in which vision seems to negatively impact your patient’s progress. You know there is a vision problem, but you may not know what specifically isn’t working well.
Discovering Vision Therapy Blog
If you’re an occupational therapist, you’ve probably seen a case in which vision seems to negatively impact your patient’s progress. You know there is a vision problem, but you may not know what specifically isn’t working well.
Topics: Vision Therapy, Functional Vision Problems
Life was incredibly frustrating for 9-year-old Julia Feit and her mother Laura. Julia had been struggling in school, especially with reading, and nothing seemed to help. But as it turned out, Julia didn’t have a learning problem - she had a vision problem.
Topics: Success Stories, Functional Vision Problems, Convergence Insufficiency, Strabismus (Crossed Eyes), Success Stories - CI
One in four children experience vision problems that are often misdiagnosed as other common learning difficulties. Discover why these issues are referred to as “the hidden disability,” and parents and educators know so little about them.
Topics: Symptoms of Dyslexia, Vision Therapy, Functional Vision Problems
Every parent fears a report card filled with bad grades. It’s why we push our kids to study harder, work longer, and put in a ton of effort to improve their scores. So why don’t we reciprocate and make sure functional vision problems aren’t the source of bad grades?
Topics: Learning-Related Vision Problems, Functional Vision Problems, International Children's Vision and Learning Month
When we redesigned our website, we decided to devote the home page to describing “functional vision problems.” We think the addition of the word “functional” can help people distinguish the types of vision problems that exist, and open the door to understanding vision therapy.
Topics: Vision Therapy, Functional Vision Problems, The Vision Therapy Center, Dr. Kellye Knueppel
We’ve posted many times about functional vision problems, but it occurred to us that we haven’t put together a definitive post of the main problems and their symptoms. Let’s take an in-depth look, and also explain why they’re not detected by typical vision screenings.
Topics: Functional Vision, Functional Vision Problems, Convergence Insufficiency, Visual System
In this amazing video, two optometrists show teachers what students who have a functional vision problem experience in school. It’s an eye-opening experience for these educators, who now understand why we refer to vision issues as the “hidden learning disability.”
Topics: Learning-Related Vision Problems, Functional Vision Problems
A report on the high rate of Myopia among Asian schoolchildren produced a surprising conclusion: Researchers believe the cause may be too much time spent indoors. Ultimately, we think it may be a consequence of pushing reading and writing before a child’s visual system is adequately developed.
Topics: Functional Vision Problems, Visual System
Reading, writing and arithmetic. They’re the foundation of our educational system, and the basis for what your child needs to succeed in school. And Functional Vision Problems can affects them all.
Topics: Learning-Related Vision Problems, Functional Vision Problems
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The content on this website has been created by The Vision Therapy Center. It was written by professional writers and then reviewed and edited for medical accuracy by the Developmental Optometrists at The Vision Therapy Center.
The Vision Therapy Center, Inc. – Phone: 262-784-9201 FAX 262-784-9206
The Vision Therapy Center, Inc. - Brookfield, WI
13255 W Bluemound Rd #200
Brookfield, WI 53005
Brookfield hours of operation / 8 am - 6 pm M-Th - 8 am - 5 pm F
The Vision Therapy Center, Inc. - Madison, WI
4781 Hayes Rd #103
Madison, WI 53704
Madison hours of operation / 10:00 am - 5:45 pm Th
The Vision Therapy Center FDL, LLC - Fond du Lac, WI
101 Wisconsin American Drive, Suite 800
Fond du Lac, WI 54937
Fond du Lac hours of operation / 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Th