It's time for another vision therapy success story, but this one is a little different. We typically interview moms and dads, either writing an article or posting a video. But this one is from a student - Tasha Brenner.
After graduating from vision therapy in July, Tasha wrote this moving letter. We've attached the actual letter she wrote as a graphic so you can see the time and effort she put into it. We'll reprint the content of the letter below the graphic so you can read it.
In case you found the graphic too difficult to read, we've also reprinted it below:
Tasha Brenner
Before I started vision therapy it was such a hassle of not feeling right about myself. I would always have these frustrating feelings when I did homework and studying. However, it was hard to see things properly when doing sports, studying, and homework. Knowing what direction of field to play and taking notes from the board. I was not able to communicate and talk to my friends as well as I did when I was younger.
During the process of therapy it was very frustrating for me because my eyes weren't strong enough to the starting process of exercises. I always managed to say I can't do it, I don't know, and I give up. I felt that this working process was too slow for me and wasn't getting better. It was too much effort to even try.
I had the most great experience from vision therapy because I knew that it will help with some of the difficulties and struggling I had as a child. A great impact that I faced was how confident I am to myself and toward others. However my music is coming along beautifully and towards all the hard work I have done I am able to sight read easily and sing music behind someone and read the notes clearly. Also when I read I am able to remember what has happen in the story.
Thank you Vision Therapy for all the hard work you have done helping me and others. My goal now that my eyes are healed is to get a scholarship and be able to do music when I finish my 3 years of high school.
- Tasha Brenner
Congratulations to Tasha! We're so excited all your hard work has paid off.
This is why people devote their lives to vision therapy and helping children. Please share this with your friends and family, so that one day all the Tashas of the world can write a note like this!