You could say we’re in the record-breaking spirit this Olympic year. The Vision Therapy Center’s recent volunteer efforts at the 2012 State Summer Games at UW-Stevens Point was a tremendous success.
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Nearly 2,000 athletes attended the games on June 7, and The Vision Therapy Center directed a large volunteer effort known as the Special Olympics Lions Clubs International Opening Eyes program.
At the Summer Games, we provided vision assessments to a record number of athletes - 310 - with 171 of those athletes receiving glasses. This was a Herculean effort, considering our volunteer numbers were a bit low this year. (If you’re an optometrist or would just like to get involved, please contact us regarding volunteer efforts.)
The 310 athletes screened totaled the fifth-highest amount ever for the program, and the most since April of 2004. The record stands at 336 in 2001.
Once again, we thank Essilor for cutting and edging most of the lenses, and Safilo for donating beautiful, high-quality frames. Thank you to Liberty for providing sports goggles. Don Rosene of Santinelli was also at the games, cutting and edging lenses so that some of the athletes received their glasses right away.
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