Discovering Vision Therapy Blog

The Smile of Success - Danielle's Success with Vision Therapy

Waking up in the morning with a smile on your face is not always easy, but for Danielle, it used to be a true challenge. Just thinking about the school day she had ahead of her was enough to bring on a bad mood. Reading was a struggle for Danielle, and her grades were below average. Top this off with three to four hours of homework every night and you have a very good reason for waking up on the wrong side of the bed.

After a thorough exam with Dr. Knueppel, it was revealed that Danielle's learning difficulties were related to a hidden visual problem. This would explain why Danielle used her finger as a marker when reading, read slowly, had poor reading comprehension and sometimes confused or reversed letters or words.

If a person's eyes do not work together the way they are supposed to, reading, school activities and homework can become a big struggle. Imagine trying to take notes from an overhead projector when your eyes do not allow you to focus quickly from your paper to the screen. Imagine how easy it would be to fall behind your classmates because you only have half the notes to study from for the big test! Now try to imagine how you feel about yourself when you are trying your best and always coming out "below average." After years of struggling, it is understandable why a person in Danielle's position would want to give up, stop trying so hard, and have a bad attitude towards school, reading and homework.

Danielle started vision therapy last summer. In the beginning, she often told her mom that she did not know why she had to go through the program. According to Danielle, she could see just fine.

It is now December and talking with Danielle is like talking to a different person. After six months of treatment, she has gone from a shy, timid, self-conscious girl to a talkative, outgoing, happy young lady. She is no longer afraid to stick up for herself or take chances. Last semester alone, she tried out for cheerleading, went to homecoming and got a job working directly with the public. Besides all that, she now enjoys reading, her homework does not take as long as it used to, and she made the honor roll! It bothers her if she does not get things done on time, so she no longer procrastinates when it comes to starting projects or reading books for class.

Danielle's parents cannot believe the change in their daughter. Mornings have also changed around their house. Danielle now wakes up with a smile on her face and a "good morning" for her mom!

Posted by   The Vision Therapy Center, Reviewed by Dr. Kellye Knueppel

The content in this post created was written by professional writers and then reviewed and edited for medical accuracy by Dr. Kellye Knueppel of The Vision Therapy Center.   Learn more about Dr. Knueppel's medical background