What Teachers Can Do

Identify a vision problem, and you can impact a student’s ability to learn

 As a teacher, you’re carefully observing a child in situations in which visual skills are often challenged. Reading, writing, and processing visual information all require the entire visual system to be working well.

By observing a child’s behavior and identifying the telltale signs of vision problems, you can quickly identify a student who may need help. You’re also part of a team that evaluates learning disabilities, and your observations may help identify a vision problem that may be contributing a child’s poor performance.

Parents highly value your input and your observations. By recommending a child for a functional vision exam, you could significantly change a child’s life.

How can I spot a child with vision problems?

Here are three things you can do if you suspect a student may have a vision problem?

Use The Vision Quiz.  It’s a simple first-step tool for diagnosing vision issues. This is a simple tool you can fill out on your own based on your observation of the student. 

Take The Vision Quiz Now
Download the Vision and Learning Guide, and share it with a parent.  The guide is packed with information about the connection between vision and learning.

Download Free Vision  And Learning GuideContact us with questions.  We’re happy to provide answers to any questions you might have.

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